Getting to Know Woo
Welcome to Getting to Know Woo! I’m Natasha Levinger, a professional intuitive reader, energy healer and inner child healing expert. After being raised with extreme narcissism, I found talk therapy was helpful, but it wasn’t until I found energy and inner child healing that I was able to break free of family patterns that cut me off from knowing and loving my true self. I’m passionate about dispelling the rhetoric that these kinds of tools are impractical and ineffective. In this podcast I will be sharing just how beneficial and transformative they are. My husband and producer, Brett, will be joining me in conversation, and we’ll be welcoming experts along the way. I’m excited to have you here!

Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Episode 53 - Getting to Know Connection
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Wednesday Nov 20, 2024
Host Natasha Levinger and her co-host/husband/producer, Brett talk about the messages coming from their guides about connecting to community and to the land you live on.
In this episode:
Check your auras, kids!
A closed aura does not mean a shut down aura
Is Brett shutting down or getting his shit together?
The importance of community and not waiting for a savior
Some tools for coping with fear and anxiety
Choosing to view yourself as completely alone or connected to everything
Find the things that nourish and lift you up
Connecting to people locally
Connecting to the land you live on and its spirits
Adding some regular energetic hygiene to your routine
Continuing our new segment, Blisses & Misses!
Difference between an oracle deck and a tarot deck
Trusting and knowing your own magic
And more!
Spots are open for Awakening, Natasha's one-on-one mentor program.
Individual readings are available. Learn more or book one here
Get Natasha's book Healing Your Inner Child in paperback or audiobook today.
Don't forget to rate/review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and tell your friends about us
Send questions, show topic suggestions, or to
Mentioned in this episode:
Erin in the Morning (
Stained Glass Woman from Doc Impossible (
Big Fan by Alexandra Romanoff (
Getting to Know Woo is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to dispelling the rhetoric that so-called "woo-woo" practices such as energy work, energy healing, inner child healing, chakra clearing, and more are impractical and ineffective, and instead are pragmatic, transformative, and powerful.

Monday Oct 28, 2024
Episode 52 - Getting to Know Witches & Spellcasting with Judika Illes
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Host Natasha Levinger and her co-host/husband/producer, Brett are thrilled and honored to welcome back Judika Illes, author of the new book Witches: A Compendium, the latest in her vast contributions to the woo non-fiction library.
In this episode, they discuss:
Blisses & Misses: a new segment to celebrate and encourage our growth
Natasha can just will herself to do things; Brett not so much
Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies
Fun is a core value for Natasha
Brett's an "Obliger" and he doesn't like it
How trusting yourself can help you to trust the universe
Judika loves witches!
Art witches and creativity for spellcasting
Rosalind Norton, Lenora Carrington, Valley Meyers, and other art witches
A prayer is a request; a spell is a demand
How having no other options can empower your witchcraft
The semantics of "intention" and its role in spellcasting
You start to need a spell when you have a dilemma
Do you have to believe a spell will work?
Sometimes the spells that don't work tell us more than the ones that do
Judika explains the most dangerous part of any spell
The importance of being honest with yourself when working with magic
Low level entities that feed on fear
Clearly defining what you want with spellcasting
The risks of using spells to cast revenge
Alternatives to revenge spells
Her book is a celebration of witches
People using Judika's book to do bibliomancy
Even Judika pronounces her last name "wrong"
The Energy Report is back!
And more!
There's still time to sign up for Natasha's small-group psychic skills mentorship. Learn more at
Get Natasha's book Healing Your Inner Child in paperback or audiobook today.
Spots are open for Awakening, Natasha's one-on-one mentor program.
Individual readings are available. Learn more or book one here
Don't forget to rate/review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and tell your friends about us
Send questions, show topic suggestions, or to
Judika Illes's info:
Judika's website:
Judika's Instagram: @judikailles
Getting to Know Woo is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to dispelling the rhetoric that so-called "woo-woo" practices such as energy work, energy healing, inner child healing, chakra clearing, and more are impractical and ineffective, and instead are pragmatic, transformative, and powerful.

Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Episode 51 - Getting to Know Gene Keys with Katie Rose
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
To help people and animals affected by the flooding in Asheville and the larger Western North Carolina region, please consider giving to Sister Kitten ( and/or Beloved Asheville (
Host Natasha Levinger and her co-host/husband/producer, Brett eagerly welcome intuitive coach Katie Rose to the show to talk about Gene Keys.
In this episode, they discuss:
Definitely learning the lessons that Michelle Obama intended us for learn
Our hearts go out to those affected by Hurricane Helene
A tool to help you cope when you are absorbing energy from collective trauma
The Earth only knows how to be present
Releasing feelings of responsibility for others allows you to better help others
Brett perpetuates slanderous lies about goldfish
Welcome to the prom afterparty!
What gene keys are and how they relate to human design
Gene keys help us identify not only our gifts, but also our shadow parts and learn to love them
Listen as we butcher a beautiful Leonard Cohen quote about being broken
The importance of doing shadow work
Looking at Brett's & Natasha's gene keys
Learning to sit with yoru feelings by holding space for yourself
The interplay between what is innate and what happens after we're born
Two tenets of Gene Keys are knowing ourselves and evolving humanity
How healing yourself helps heal other people
The societal gaslighting of individuality/disconnectedness
Grappling with the implications of believing we choose our lives before we're born
Exploring the empowerment available from believing we choose our lives before we're born
Allowing yourself to take or leave what you want from any system
And more!
Natasha is starting a small-group psychic skills mentorship. Learn more at
Learn more about about Pattern Shifting, Natasha's new two-session mini-mentorship
Get Natasha's book Healing Your Inner Child in paperback or audiobook today.
Spots are open for Awakening, Natasha's one-on-one mentor program. Learn more at
Individual readings are available. Learn more or book one here
Don't forget to rate/review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and tell your friends about us
Send questions, show topic suggestions, or to
Katie Rose's info:
Katie's website:
Katie's Instagram: @helloimkatierose
The Trauma to Transformation Podcast
Getting to Know Woo is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to dispelling the rhetoric that so-called "woo-woo" practices such as energy work, energy healing, inner child healing, chakra clearing, and more are impractical and ineffective, and instead are pragmatic, transformative, and powerful.

Monday Sep 23, 2024
Episode 50 - Getting to Know Channeling for Creativity with Nicole Piar
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Don't miss Natasha's new workshop called It's Giving High Priestess this Thursday Sep 26 @ 6p PT. It's all about creating the foundation of your inner environment. Learn more or sign up at
Host Natasha Levinger and her co-host/husband/producer, Brett are so excited to talk to friend of the show, artist Nicole Piar (aka Ghost Kitten) about how she uses channeling to fuel her creativity.
In this episode, they discuss:
We're all feeling the effects pisces eclipse
Super low energy and strong waves of emotion
Nicole's intense relationship to dreams
Needing to do something physical to shake off a dream
Normalizing dreams as another way to learn, hear, and heal
Differentiating when someone in your dream is a symbol or a visitation
Using channeling to honor your creativity by respecting when you feel a "no"
Channeling to combat choice paralysis
Connecting to nature and everything in the physical realm
Starting out with channeling
How channeling can lead you in directions you couldn't predict
The Flow State is often a channeling state
Channeling as a co-creative effort instead of just receiving someone else's ideas
The kind of channeling Nicole learned, coning
The benefit of the broader perspective given by the beings Nicole channels with
How channeling helps with procrastination
Inner child work can help clear the path for exploration
Guides never feel urgent, frantic, or judgemental
The pliability and flexibility of time
And more!
Sign up for or learn more about Natasha's new workshop, It's Giving High Priestess
Get Natasha's book Healing Your Inner Child in paperback or audiobook today.
Spots are open for Awakening, Natasha's one-on-one mentor program. Learn more at
Individual readings are available. Learn more or book one here
Don't forget to rate/review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and tell your friends about us
Send questions, show topic suggestions, or to
Nicole's info:
Nicole's website:
Nicole's instagram: @ghostkittenart
Wander Kittens: two travel-sized mini-oracle decks and other travel accessories
Getting to Know Woo is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to dispelling the rhetoric that so-called "woo-woo" practices such as energy work, energy healing, inner child healing, chakra clearing, and more are impractical and ineffective, and instead are pragmatic, transformative, and powerful.

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Episode 49 - Getting to Know Hypervigilance & Astrology with Britten LaRue
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Hey, Woozers! The winner of a half-hour reading with Natasha is none other than BStangl! BStangl, please email us at to schedule your reading! And thanks to everyone who has reviewed the show. Each review helps us reach a wider audience.
Host Natasha Levinger and her co-host/husband/producer, Brett are so excited to welcome back friend of the show, Britten LaRue, to talk about the relationship between hypervigilance and astrology, and also her new class Moon to Moon. Link below to a 10% discount for GTKW listeners.
In this episode, they discuss:
How deadlines help Britten to open to receive inspiration/information
"Blackmailing" yourself with a little public pressure
Recognizing and working with your capacity
Orienting yourself toward receiving
The difference in quality of what you produce in relation to how you produce it
Relating to non-woo, non-creative efforts, too
The cost of not making time for "non-productive" aspects of your life
The caustic effects of making all education outcome-based
Why Britten calls her work emergence astrology
How astrology sometimes gets twisted to reinforce unhelpful thought patterns
"What comes up with the information is the information"
Using astrology as a validation for your experience, rather than a predictor
The Body vs The Brow dichotomy
How even your body can clue you in to being in your head
How poor boundaries lead to and reinforce hypervigilance
Checking in with yourself before going to astrology for guidance
When people don't believe in astrology
The unnecessary and unhelpful divorce of physics and metaphysics
How "certainty" perverts the very things it tries to support
"Would you rather be certain or would you rather be amazed?"
Your hypervigilant inner child craves certainty
How to cope with the uncertainty of life by creating certainty in yourself
The moon is inner knowing
Britten's journey to be the Queen of Wands by nurturing the High Priestess
External validation can feel lovely when you already have internal validation in place
The themes and structures of Britten's course, Moon to Moon
And more!
Get Natasha's book Healing Your Inner Child in paperback or audiobook today.
Spots are open for Awakening, Natasha's one-on-one mentor program. Learn more at
Individual readings are available. Learn more or book one here
Don't forget to rate/review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and tell your friends about us
Send questions, show topic suggestions, or to
Britten's info:
10% Discount on the Moon to Moon course for GTKW listeners:
For those who qualify, an Equity discount is also available
Getting to Know Woo is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to dispelling the rhetoric that so-called "woo-woo" practices such as energy work, energy healing, inner child healing, chakra clearing, and more are impractical and ineffective, and instead are pragmatic, transformative, and powerful.

Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Episode 48 - Getting to Know Death Doulas with Ashley Oppon
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Hey, Woozers! The winner of a half-hour reading with Natasha is none other than BStangl! BStangl, please email us at to schedule your reading! And thanks to everyone who has reviewed the show. Each review helps us reach a wider audience.
Host Natasha Levinger and her co-host/husband/producer, Brett are so happy to talk to about death doulas with Ashley Oppon. Ashley is a death doula, hospice nurse, podcast host, and author.
In this episode, they discuss:
Brett's recent trip to the ER (he's fine)
Remembering to ground when you're off base
A lot of energetic layers are being pulled back for people right now, especially relationally
Be soft with yourself
Everyone has a different style for being present
The value of being in "the inbetween"
What if we all valued the "disgusting process" of the cocoon?
What exactly is a death doula?
Working as an advocate for the dying and dead
Growing up with death rituals from her father's tribe in Ghana
In many West African traditions, funerals can be bigger than weddings
Using funerals to celebrate a person's life and to acknowledge the presence of death
Growing up not fearing death because of the frank discussions about it in her family
Helping people with all stages of dying and dealing with death
Some people just want to talk about their lives
Having your own funeral
People seeing their dead loved ones when close to death
How Ashley's relationship to death has changed
The similarities of death mythologies around the world
Letting death inform your enjoyment of the physicality of life
People don't regret helping to physically deal with their loved one's body after death
And more!
Get Natasha's book Healing Your Inner Child in paperback or audiobook today.
Spots are open for Awakening, Natasha's one-on-one mentor program. Learn more at
Individual readings are available. Learn more or book one here
Don't forget to rate/review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and tell your friends about us
Send questions, show topic suggestions, or to
Ashley's info:
Getting to Know Woo is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to dispelling the rhetoric that so-called "woo-woo" practices such as energy work, energy healing, inner child healing, chakra clearing, and more are impractical and ineffective, and instead are pragmatic, transformative, and powerful.

Friday Aug 09, 2024
Episode 47 - Getting to Know Hypnosis
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Get in, Woozers! We're doing a giveaway! Anyone who leaves a review (or has left one already! (thanks!!)) for the show on Apple Podcasts by August 15 will be eligible to win a half-hour reading with Natasha.
Host Natasha Levinger and her co-host/husband/producer, Brett talk about the power and benefits of hypnosis.
In this episode, they discuss:
Brett is better at Gen Z slang than Natasha
A deeper dive into Natasha's own slang innovations
Natasha's guides make a rare live addition to the show
Bringing lessons from past lives into the present to continue and/or integrate them
Access to joy even during hard work
Viewing your emotional world in three dimensions
Our young brains are in a very malleable state for the first 7-8 years (theta waves)
Our early impressions get stored as fact and won't get updated without conscious effort
The importance of environment
Hypnosis as a way to fertilize and rejuvenate your emotional soil
How hypnosis roots you into your new growth
Brett quitting smoking with hypnosis
Changing the chatter in your brain
Sometimes our brains just need an operating system update
"Curiosity is a huge expander"
The dangers of dogma, whether religious or secular
Inner safety as the key to not being rigid
Certainty is a decision you make
You are already everything
Philosophical lessons from surfing
And more!
Natasha's latest recorded class, Big Aura Energy, is available on
That class and many other meditations, classes, discounts, and downloads are free for paid subscribers to Natasha's newsletter. Sign up here!
Spots are open for Awakening, Natasha's one-on-one mentor program. Learn more at
Get Natasha's book Healing Your Inner Child in paperback or audiobook today.
Individual readings are available. Learn more or book one here
Natasha's much-requested meditations to begin/end your day are now available.
Don't forget to rate/review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and tell your friends about us
Send questions, show topic suggestions, or to
Getting to Know Woo is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to dispelling the rhetoric that so-called "woo-woo" practices such as energy work, energy healing, inner child healing, chakra clearing, and more are impractical and ineffective, and instead are pragmatic, transformative, and powerful.

Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Episode 46 - Getting to Know Healing Through Interconnectedness
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Get in, Woozers! We're doing a giveaway! Anyone who leaves a review (or has left one already! (thanks!!)) for the show on Apple Podcasts by August 15 will be eligible to win a half-hour reading with Natasha.
Host Natasha Levinger and her co-host/husband/producer, Brett talk about the power of healing through interconnectedness.
In this episode, they discuss:
We are all interconnected even when it doesn't feel like it
You cannot suppress or ignore feelings; they will find a way to be expressed
The parts of yourself you like the least have a lot of information for you
Accepting aspects of your life without taking blame for things that don't belong to you.
Avoiding toxic positivity
Rapid healing through connection
Being present with the future
Recognizing when you are merged with an inner child part
Inner child parts are time travelers
Feeling emotions deeply while remaining present
And more!
A new class is coming soon for paid subscribers to Natasha's newsletter. Sign up here.
Spots are open for Awakening, Natasha's one-on-one mentor program. Learn more at
Get Natasha's book Healing Your Inner Child in paperback or audiobook today.
Individual readings are available. Learn more or book one here
Natasha's much-requested meditations to begin/end your day are now available.
Don't forget to rate/review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and tell your friends about us
Send questions, show topic suggestions, or to
Getting to Know Woo is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to dispelling the rhetoric that so-called "woo-woo" practices such as energy work, energy healing, inner child healing, chakra clearing, and more are impractical and ineffective, and instead are pragmatic, transformative, and powerful.

Friday Jul 12, 2024
Episode 45 - Getting to Know Altars with Sarah Maher of Village & Vessel
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Get in, Woozers! We're doing a giveaway! Anyone who leaves a review (or has left one already! (thanks!!)) for the show on Apple Podcasts by August 15 will be eligible to win a half-hour reading with Natasha.
Host Natasha Levinger and her co-host/husband/producer, Brett are excited to discuss altars with Sarah Maher, owner of Village & Vessel, an online and brick & mortar metaphysical shop in Oak Park, IL.
In this episode, they discuss:
Natasha's recent depression
Working through feelings of shame and perfectionism
The importance of an outside perspective
The question is already out there. Now listen for the answer.
How "just being" is an active state
Natasha's encounter with a leprechaun. Yes, a leprechaun
Brett's skeptical part freaking out about the existence of leprechauns
Looking forward to a time that all people are taught to trust and value their intuition
"I am Jewish and whatever dimension I come from." - Natasha
What does a world look like where everyone's subjective experience is valid?
Recognizing black & white thinking as a sign of a trauma response
When you bring something into your home, you are wanting to shift an energy
You work with your altar and it works with you
You can base your altar on anything: four elements, ancestors, a certain time period, a want
Putting your altars to work
Altar making workshops at Village & Vessel
The necessity of ritual for altar work
Spiritual tooth brushing
Some ways to set up an altar for manifestation
Feeling crystal vibrations for the first time
Altars as a bridge between the physical and the spiritual
What to do when you're done with a particular altar
Don't worry: You're not doing crystals wrong
How to reinvigorate an altar you're not connecting with any more
A brief discussion of Ariana Madix and her amazing boundaries
And more!
Spots are open again for Awakening, Natasha's one-on-one mentor program. Learn more at
Get Natasha's book Healing Your Inner Child in paperback or audiobook today.
Individual readings are available. Learn more or book one here
Don't forget to rate/review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and tell your friends about us
Send questions, show topic suggestions, or to
Sarah's info:
Instagram: @village_and_vessel
Tiktok: @villageandvessel
Getting to Know Woo is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to dispelling the rhetoric that so-called "woo-woo" practices such as energy work, energy healing, inner child healing, chakra clearing, and more are impractical and ineffective, and instead are pragmatic, transformative, and powerful.

Friday Jun 21, 2024
Episode 44 - Getting to Know an Experience with Angels
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Friday Jun 21, 2024
Host Natasha Levinger and her co-host/husband/producer, Brett discuss his recent unexpectedly powerful connection to angels during an energy reading.
In this episode, they discuss:
Wanna ride bikes?
Brett connecting to angels (and specifically Sandalphon)
The importance of developing your loving inner adult
How a loving inner presence can jumpstart or leap frog the need for knowing what it's helping
The startlingly fast results of hypnotism
Card draw for the week: guilt (not gilt)
And more!
Spots are open again for Awakening, Natasha's one-on-one mentor program. Learn more at
Get Natasha's book Healing Your Inner Child in paperback or audiobook today.
Individual readings are available. Learn more or book one here
Natasha's much-requested meditations to begin/end your day are now available.
Don't forget to rate/review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify and tell your friends about us
Send questions, show topic suggestions, or to
Getting to Know Woo is a bi-weekly podcast dedicated to dispelling the rhetoric that so-called "woo-woo" practices such as energy work, energy healing, inner child healing, chakra clearing, and more are impractical and ineffective, and instead are pragmatic, transformative, and powerful.